Coffee Knowledge Hub

The complete selection of Coffee Sensorium courses

Register for the complete Coffee Sensorium suite of courses for a discounted price

Quadro generale del corso

The full selection of courses are:

  1. Chemistry of Roasting 05.Mar-06.Mar
  2. Multi Sensory Perception 12.Mar-13.Mar
  3. Coffee extraction kinetics 19.Mar-20.Mar
  4. Aromas in Coffee: Perception and Description 26.Mar-27.Mar
  5. Aspects of Coffee Freshness (NEW course) 02.Apr-02.Apr
  6. Coffee Taster’s Flavour Wheel: Design and Use (NEW course) 03.Apr-03.Apr
  7. Acidity and Bitterness 09.Apr-09.Apr
  8. Mouthfeel in beverages 10.Apr-10.Apr

For specific course content please see the course page for the relevant course.

Each lecture is 2 hours per day, including questions and answers. The lectures are recorded so you can review them for up to 12 days after the lecture.

Reading materials are also provided after the lecture to let you fully explore each topic and the literature.

Prossimi corsi

No courses scheduled

This course has no scheduled dates. Browse our courses page for other great coffee courses.

© 2024 Coffee Knowledge Hub

Simonelli Group SpA
Via Emilio Betti, 1, 62020
Belforte del Chienti MC
P.IVA 01951160439
VAT n. 01951160439

Coffee Knowledge Hub

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